Saturday, December 22, 2018

A Room Of One's Own by NorthernSparrow

Excellent story with an interesting view on how Dean and Castiel go from friends to lovers with Dean in denial most of the way. Castiel’s interest in learning how to behave in a more human fashion in order to please Dean after walking in on him masturbating is funny as hell. It all turns on Dean finally having a room of his own and some privacy and goes downhill from there depending on your view. The wing scene is erotic the first time and hot as hell the second time. However there is a surprising depth to Dean that shows when he finally confronts Castiel on just what is happening. Dean is determined to fix what he didn’t realize was broken. He also finally realizes just how important Castiel is to him and tries to give back some of that support and devotion. The dialogue between them as they argue about fetishes and just what is a turn on is hilarious especially since Dean is trying to hide all this from Sam. The funny part is Sam who is aware of what is happening and has just been waiting for Dean to say something. He has has even nudged things along a little.

Nature and Nurture by earlgreytea68
Slash Sherlock/Watson

Awesome story well written with all kinds of twists and turns. Mycroft turns up at 221B Baker Street with a baby that turns out to be the clone of Sherlock Holmes and the fun begins. Everyone is sure that this will be a disaster but John steps up because this is a part of Sherlock and who better to understand the problems of a baby genius but another genius. And lets face it Sherlock is hopeless with the little things like paying bills and buying food. There are so many delightful interactions it is hard to say but one of my favorites is "we are married and you're asking if this was a date" Or when Sherlock decided to kiss John as soon as he got home, he was tired of waiting for him to realize that he was in love with Sherlock. There is also the scene where John tells off Sherlock parents for their treatment of Sherlock and denied them any input on Oliver, he then basically threw them out. The characterization of the canon characters is spot on and the development of baby Oliver is hilarious.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

I Will Find You by Neeka

Slash Derek/Stiles

Good story with some major angst and only a semi-happy ending, be warned there is the death of several major characters. Stiles is across the country when the zombie apocalypse happens and all he can think of is to find his way home. This is a story about what lengths humans will go through for those they love and the evil that can happen. Definitely a tear jerker and you find yourself becoming very involved in the story. And while I wish it had ended differently I don’t see how it could have. Do not read at work trust me hard to explain the tears around people. How do you tell them you are crying for fictional characters.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Cats Out Of The Bag

There are two stories in the series that I have read. One in the NCIS verse and one in the SGA verse. The premise is that in a small population of earth has the gene to shift into a member of the large cat family, lions, tigers, jaguars, etc. Humans being what they are at one time they were slaves and though protected many still think of them as sexual plaything or pet. In the NCIS story Tony DiNozzo is an unregistered shifter who accidentally bonds with Jethro Gibbs. Tony also happens to be a black jaguar a rare shifter that is always male and can give birth. A good story, I do love shifter stories but do think the submissive angle is a little over played. There is action, romance, danger and a touch of noncon in one chapter but the story ends well for both and helps those in charge that shifter could use the extra freedom.

Between The Whiskers

The second story is even better and involves Rodney McCay and John Sheppard. Rodney is a known shifter a rare white Bengal tiger who is able to work with SGA because he has chaperones to prevent accidental bonding under the new laws. A mission gone bad leads to bonding with John. This is of course Atlantis and their bond is tested frequently and painfully. The story is great nothing is easy and they are forced to realize at one point that it takes more than a bonding it takes work and compromise to make the relationship work. Great story with good characters.

There are two more stories in the series one set in Hawaii Five 0 that is not complete and one set in the Star Trek AU that has two stand alone chapters. I have not read them at this time but the link is included. It's nice when I don't have to do the cover nice job.
These are stories that I read in 2015 and am just now getting to my older email recommendations. I keep pulling from the latest ones  instead of the back of my large inbox, my bad.

Deluge by macx

Excellent story but then again I do expect that from this author. There is again the touch of the supernatural in this case Deadpool was a hell hound before weapon x experimented on him and instead he became a chimera. Something no one has seen before and one that everyone including Deadpool believes is unable to bond. Everyone is wrong it just takes someone who is willing to look under the surface. It takes a while but he and Peter begin to bond. And that is where the fun starts because everyone has an opinion and has to put their two cents in. There is action, romance, humor, and angst. I love Aunt May when calmly points out that she knows about Spider-Man and has known since high school. Poor Peter almost has a panic attack. The Avengers are nosy but finally back down. Deadpool is cute, protective, and bad ass. The author has given us characters that we want to root for and makes us wish that we could find someone like that, someone who becomes our whole world, willing to stand up to anything or anyone to protect the one they live. It is a kickass romantic story with the right blend of angst, fluff and action.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Didn’t See That Coming by knittersrevolt
Slash Derek/Stiles

Great story that is just hilarious in parts. In this case all of the characters are older, late 20's mid 30's and the Hale family is alive. Stiles husband Scott cheats on him and Stiles decides to leave Beacon Hill for New York. There he runs in to Laura Hale, ends up the adoptive (sort of) father of a baby werewolf and Derek's mate. Soon he learns magic and exorcism and unfortunately must return to Beacon Hill. The characters are well written and being older gives them a new dimension. The author has really pinned down Stiles attitude and his use of protecting sarcasm. Peter is still a creep, Scott is still in denial, the sheriff just wants his son back and Derek still is too sexy for a small town. With an older cast you have different sorts of problems, children, jobs, businesses, etc.... I love Stiles one liners and the baby Samantha is too adorable.

To Derek: It’s not too late. Elope with me. Vegas is only 11 hours away.
From Derek: Gay marriage is still illegal in Nevada.
To Derek: Really? That’s bullshit! If I want to make bad impulsive life choices while on a high from gambling I should be able to!
From Derek: Your Dad is giving me the stink eye for texting. Just get down here.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Love isn't brains children, it's blood by Acherona, trulywicked
John/Sherlock, Mycroft/Lestrade

Awesome story I have said it before I love a BAMF John. In this case you have vampire Sherlock and Mycroft Holmes and it turns out that John grew up a hunter something he managed to hide from both brothers. This is a fast paced, action packed story with great sex. The story takes place after Sherlock jumps and the scene at the grave had me laughing way too hard. John is not a happy camper and Sherlock is surprised when John sneaks up on him and punches him. This is a very sideways look at our favorite characters but beautifully done. There is something for everyone and can I just say that I loathed Mummy Holmes. Oh and lets not forget just how sexy a strong, powerful Lestrade is, the scene with the council is perfect.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Shades of Ianto by sarcasticchick
series of 3 stories

Awesome series featuring Jack/Ianto and very much AU. The first two stories are great but the last one is just awesome. Ianto's character grows through the series as each disaster strengthens him for the final alien attacks. It will be his turn to carry on a legacy and he is the only one who can. You get to see who Jack started as when an early Jack before immortality is found in Torchwood 4 and Ianto convinces him to impersonate himself in order to help the moral of the team in the face of a possible invasion. There are character deaths and some that will surprise you. The affairs at Avalon will make or break Ianto and there are many times that he wishes for his Jack to come back. It takes a while to see that this Jack is still his Jack. These are the kind of stories you wished were produced for television. The author has created characters that will last long in memory. Simply amazing, you know when your holding your breath that the story is awesome.

Friday, June 22, 2018

The Oldest Dance by veriante
Slash: Bond/Q, Sherlock/John, Watson/006

Excellent story, great action, drama, angst and powerful emotions. Q is a Holmes and decides to step in when Sherlock jumps. Things move fast and deceit is everywhere. Bond fights his attraction to Q and loses. There is some connection he knows this just as he knows that sometime in the past Q was hurt and hurt bad. Meanwhile Sherlock learns the painful lesson that actions have consequences and breaking a trust is the hardest to repair. Instead of take 3 years to resolve it only takes a week showing what would have happened if Sherlock had allowed others to help. I love Q being a Holmes because really he fits in so well. The characters are well written and the chemistry between Q and Bond is delicious with a nice edge to keep it from being out of character. The sex scene with 007 and 008 is an interesting look at the behavior of some of the most deadly people on the planet and how they deal with the trauma of their lives sometime the only one who can help is someone that has been through the same thing. There are twists and betrayals with a definite suprise in the end. The author has managed to keep the suspense and drama flowing smoothly throughout the story all the while inserting flashbacks to what is going on with Q..

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

To Save Them All by GoldenPetal13
Slash Stiles/Peter

A good story I do love time travel fix it stories. In this case I found this some time ago I just forgot about it. Stiles decides he needs to do things right and working with his magic for several decades manages to make a spell to send him back. He plans to makes sure that he is the one bitten and not Scott. He is determined to save everyone and end up with the one he loves. Of course things don’t always go his way especially making meals for someone and using their own recipes that they have never shared, oops. He is determined to get his happy eve-rafter.  The story is funny and I love sane Peter and poor innocent Derek.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Redeemer by phoenixjustice
Slash L/Light

Very good story, I never tire of good time travel second chance stories. In this one Ryuk accidentally drops his death note as Light is dying sending him back to when he was handcuffed to L. Light sees this as his chance to put things right along the way falling in love with L. There are some unexpected deaths because everything has a price even love.And Light knows something is up afterall he is a brilliant detective.  Definitely worth reading and I love L because he always has an air of innocence even after dealing with criminals. The one I feel sorry for is Misa even if I can’t stand her.

Monday, May 28, 2018

A Shadowed Life  by Lelu_Kitakaze
Slash Voldemort/Harry

OMG I think I am in shock this was one hell of a story. Awesome story with the pairing of Harry/Voldemort but be warned this story is not for the faint of heart. The author takes great delight in throwing poor Harry into the deep end. Every time something good happens something terrible offsets it. Dumbledore reaches new levels of villainy but not in a way that is over the top. Harry on his 14th birthday comes into his dragon ancestry in the process killing his family and burning the place to the ground. This sends him on a long road of multiple identities that take him to the dark side. While some may be squicked at the idea of a fourteen year old Harry and Voldemort I am happy to say that due to a misplaced killing curse, a time turner and some electric powers there is an involuntary time travel where Harry didn't physically age but lived 37 years in the past. Yay fiction time travel is always a nice way to fix that pesky age difference. There is drama, romance,  dark humor with plenty of angst and torture. You get to see a new side to the Malfoy family and motherly sadistic Bella is hilariously terrifying. But Harry eventually gets his happy ever after, a little broken, a lot darker, but finally a family of his own with good friends.

Story: The Silent Sound of Loneliness

This is the first story in one hell of a excellent series called Fate Lines. I knew of the show but never watched it. I love scary, supernatural stories that are written but am too chicken to watch them, especially now when special effects have gotten so good. I stumbled on this fandom by accident. I was checking the author's other stories because of the 00Q series. This author is profilic as well as being an outstanding author. Nothing I have read as been bad. Now I am trapped in a new fandom. So may ships so little time. Anyway this is a Nick/Renard series that just gets better with each story as Nick tries to balance his duties as a "catch & release Grimm, detective, and mate to a regnant. Love the title catch & release. There are some perks to being mated to such a powerful guardian including hot sex. But there a downsides as well. One that threatens to destroy their bond but they pull through. Nick is not submissive he is just as much a predator as Renard which makes for tense moments. His growing network of wesson friends and allies makes him different then the standard Grimm. The author balances out each character with good and bad traits. No one is perfect and eveyone including side characters make mistakes. This brings the characters to life with some stories so intense you have to read the whole thing in one sitting. I have a feeling this author is going to add more ships to my armada and I can't wait.

Here are the other stories in order: