Monday, May 28, 2018

A Shadowed Life  by Lelu_Kitakaze
Slash Voldemort/Harry

OMG I think I am in shock this was one hell of a story. Awesome story with the pairing of Harry/Voldemort but be warned this story is not for the faint of heart. The author takes great delight in throwing poor Harry into the deep end. Every time something good happens something terrible offsets it. Dumbledore reaches new levels of villainy but not in a way that is over the top. Harry on his 14th birthday comes into his dragon ancestry in the process killing his family and burning the place to the ground. This sends him on a long road of multiple identities that take him to the dark side. While some may be squicked at the idea of a fourteen year old Harry and Voldemort I am happy to say that due to a misplaced killing curse, a time turner and some electric powers there is an involuntary time travel where Harry didn't physically age but lived 37 years in the past. Yay fiction time travel is always a nice way to fix that pesky age difference. There is drama, romance,  dark humor with plenty of angst and torture. You get to see a new side to the Malfoy family and motherly sadistic Bella is hilariously terrifying. But Harry eventually gets his happy ever after, a little broken, a lot darker, but finally a family of his own with good friends.

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