Friday, June 22, 2018

The Oldest Dance by veriante
Slash: Bond/Q, Sherlock/John, Watson/006

Excellent story, great action, drama, angst and powerful emotions. Q is a Holmes and decides to step in when Sherlock jumps. Things move fast and deceit is everywhere. Bond fights his attraction to Q and loses. There is some connection he knows this just as he knows that sometime in the past Q was hurt and hurt bad. Meanwhile Sherlock learns the painful lesson that actions have consequences and breaking a trust is the hardest to repair. Instead of take 3 years to resolve it only takes a week showing what would have happened if Sherlock had allowed others to help. I love Q being a Holmes because really he fits in so well. The characters are well written and the chemistry between Q and Bond is delicious with a nice edge to keep it from being out of character. The sex scene with 007 and 008 is an interesting look at the behavior of some of the most deadly people on the planet and how they deal with the trauma of their lives sometime the only one who can help is someone that has been through the same thing. There are twists and betrayals with a definite suprise in the end. The author has managed to keep the suspense and drama flowing smoothly throughout the story all the while inserting flashbacks to what is going on with Q..

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