Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Cats Out Of The Bag

There are two stories in the series that I have read. One in the NCIS verse and one in the SGA verse. The premise is that in a small population of earth has the gene to shift into a member of the large cat family, lions, tigers, jaguars, etc. Humans being what they are at one time they were slaves and though protected many still think of them as sexual plaything or pet. In the NCIS story Tony DiNozzo is an unregistered shifter who accidentally bonds with Jethro Gibbs. Tony also happens to be a black jaguar a rare shifter that is always male and can give birth. A good story, I do love shifter stories but do think the submissive angle is a little over played. There is action, romance, danger and a touch of noncon in one chapter but the story ends well for both and helps those in charge that shifter could use the extra freedom.

Between The Whiskers

The second story is even better and involves Rodney McCay and John Sheppard. Rodney is a known shifter a rare white Bengal tiger who is able to work with SGA because he has chaperones to prevent accidental bonding under the new laws. A mission gone bad leads to bonding with John. This is of course Atlantis and their bond is tested frequently and painfully. The story is great nothing is easy and they are forced to realize at one point that it takes more than a bonding it takes work and compromise to make the relationship work. Great story with good characters.

There are two more stories in the series one set in Hawaii Five 0 that is not complete and one set in the Star Trek AU that has two stand alone chapters. I have not read them at this time but the link is included. It's nice when I don't have to do the cover nice job.
These are stories that I read in 2015 and am just now getting to my older email recommendations. I keep pulling from the latest ones  instead of the back of my large inbox, my bad.

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