Monday, September 29, 2014

New Haven (Duo/Wufei, Heero/Quatre/Trowa)

New Haven by Kit
(Trowa, Quatre, Heero from picture by Minayuri on
(Wufei/Duo picture from wallpaper by Fox-Ninja-Tard I liked the background but it did not go with the story Duo looks like the sexy wraith that Wufei calls him

Very good story in which Duo was not one of the group, instead he was part of Howard's black ops group, he was still Shinigami and he is much younger then the other pilots. He runs into Quatre at the gym who learns of the plans Duo wants to use to revitalize the neighborhood and to pay forward because of all he had to do in the war. The story is a little quick in spots, and the characters are a little OOC in other areas but the story line is good, the characters are believable and the sex is hot. If you want a toned down version the story is also available on Fanfiction. Duo may be younger but he shows that he is a total BAMF as well as an intelligent, loving, person. The dogs are funny and the children that they rescue really tie the characters together. It's just one of those feel good stories with enough action to keep it exciting.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Tears of a Basilisk (Harry/Severus)

Tears of a Basilisk byVetis

A great story that is funny as well as sad. This is the true story of what happened to Harry Potter the Hero/Villain of the Wizarding World as revealed after his death. Severus is reading the journal that Harry wrote and as he reads and understands just what was happening he wonders how he could be that blind. There are twists and turns and you will love the red button. And poor, poor Draco the horror or the laughs poor, poor Draco. I will not spoil the story for you just know you will not regret reading just don't be drinking anything cause trust me soda going up your nose because your laughing hurts and is not good for the keyboard.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Gypsy Caravan (Harry/Draco, Snape/OC)

Picture by Mystkyten can be found at

Gypsy Caravan by Witchdragon
NC-17 version
M rated version

Great story in which 5 year old Harry hears his aunt talking about the freaks that are stopping in town and he wonders if they might like him since he is a freak too. Turns out the gypsy caravan is made up of squibs and those that can do magic that is different from wizards and so are looked down upon. Once they realize just who this damaged child is they decide to keep and protect. They know they must protect from those who would send him back to the Dursley's and where better then in plain sight. A friend foretold them that he must face his destiny at 16, so calling upon all the allies they have made over the years they get Harry or Cherub the training he will need. He learns to wear a mask to hide his true strength from those that would use him. At 16 he releases the magic that hides him and goes to Hogwarts. This is not the boy savior they expect, this is not the moldable hero that Dumbledore wanted, this is someone raised to respect all creatures, to fight for his beliefs, to befriend anyone regardless of class or house. The story has plenty of action, angst, comedy, romance, bromance and in the NC-17 version plenty of well described sex. There is wonderful character buildup and the OC's are not over the top villains or heroes. The idea of the Magical Creatures Council as shown up in other stories and is well done here especially with not everyone automatically on the side of the prophecy child. The explanation of why wizards have lost so much made a lot of sense because lets face it most of the time you have to wonder why they are so prejudiced towards those with magical creature blood.