Wednesday, April 3, 2013

I've Got You (Kakashi/Iruka)

I've Got You by DarkAuroran

Iruka is so overlooked mainly because he is a Chuunin Instructor. What people forget is that he is the best instructor in the academy and regularly turns children in fighters. In this story he is in the wrong place at the right time to see an attack on his village. The thought of his children and friends in danger pushes him to extremes. Luckily his love of history shows him how to stall any further attacks until help can arrive. When Kakashi sees his secret love in danger he proves to Konoha just why he is considered so dangerous. Nothing will stand between him and his love. You see the dangerous warrior and killing machine Anbu that he hides behind his lazy persona. He decides the only one that can help Iruka heal is him and he calls in some friends to find out who hurt his beloved and tried to destroy his village. By the time The Hound, The Fox, The Feline and The Turtle get done Kami have mercy on them for they have none.
An excellent story with a little seen side of Kakashi and Iruka. I hope the author gets around to a sequel soon.