Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Redeemer by phoenixjustice
Slash L/Light

Very good story, I never tire of good time travel second chance stories. In this one Ryuk accidentally drops his death note as Light is dying sending him back to when he was handcuffed to L. Light sees this as his chance to put things right along the way falling in love with L. There are some unexpected deaths because everything has a price even love.And Light knows something is up afterall he is a brilliant detective.  Definitely worth reading and I love L because he always has an air of innocence even after dealing with criminals. The one I feel sorry for is Misa even if I can’t stand her.

Monday, May 28, 2018

A Shadowed Life  by Lelu_Kitakaze
Slash Voldemort/Harry

OMG I think I am in shock this was one hell of a story. Awesome story with the pairing of Harry/Voldemort but be warned this story is not for the faint of heart. The author takes great delight in throwing poor Harry into the deep end. Every time something good happens something terrible offsets it. Dumbledore reaches new levels of villainy but not in a way that is over the top. Harry on his 14th birthday comes into his dragon ancestry in the process killing his family and burning the place to the ground. This sends him on a long road of multiple identities that take him to the dark side. While some may be squicked at the idea of a fourteen year old Harry and Voldemort I am happy to say that due to a misplaced killing curse, a time turner and some electric powers there is an involuntary time travel where Harry didn't physically age but lived 37 years in the past. Yay fiction time travel is always a nice way to fix that pesky age difference. There is drama, romance,  dark humor with plenty of angst and torture. You get to see a new side to the Malfoy family and motherly sadistic Bella is hilariously terrifying. But Harry eventually gets his happy ever after, a little broken, a lot darker, but finally a family of his own with good friends.

Story: The Silent Sound of Loneliness

This is the first story in one hell of a excellent series called Fate Lines. I knew of the show but never watched it. I love scary, supernatural stories that are written but am too chicken to watch them, especially now when special effects have gotten so good. I stumbled on this fandom by accident. I was checking the author's other stories because of the 00Q series. This author is profilic as well as being an outstanding author. Nothing I have read as been bad. Now I am trapped in a new fandom. So may ships so little time. Anyway this is a Nick/Renard series that just gets better with each story as Nick tries to balance his duties as a "catch & release Grimm, detective, and mate to a regnant. Love the title catch & release. There are some perks to being mated to such a powerful guardian including hot sex. But there a downsides as well. One that threatens to destroy their bond but they pull through. Nick is not submissive he is just as much a predator as Renard which makes for tense moments. His growing network of wesson friends and allies makes him different then the standard Grimm. The author balances out each character with good and bad traits. No one is perfect and eveyone including side characters make mistakes. This brings the characters to life with some stories so intense you have to read the whole thing in one sitting. I have a feeling this author is going to add more ships to my armada and I can't wait.

Here are the other stories in order:
