Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Night Is Always Darkest Before Dawn by lawfulknightress

The Night is Always Darkest Before Dawn by lawfulknightress
Slash  Sherlock/John
Awesome story, I do love when the author throws in a kid with my favorite pair in a believable manner. This story does so when Mary Watson dies in childbirth due to injuries from an accident. It's a couple of years before John and Sherlock get together even though they are raising a daughter together. This story follows the trio through Evelyn's 18th year so far and she is just as much of a trouble magnet as her parents. While the story is not complete it stops at a good point, The story is over 200,000 words and the last cliffhanger was painfully satisfying.  The characters are made believable because they age as Evelyn does as seen in having trouble breathing, getting more injuries, recovering slower. Evelyn has to find her feet being raised by two such different and famous men. It's hilarious especially the flashback to when she gets her first period at 3 in the morning. Poor, poor Sherlock I laughed so hard that's what he gets for being a light sleeper. Especially when he is tossing the sheets in the wash and hesitates because of possible experiments then shakes his head and drops the lid. Really Sherlock, bad thought, bad boy. Awesome story well worth rereading

Not In Kansas Anymore by litgal

Not in KansasAnymore Series by litgal

“Tony gave himself a little time to mourn the loss of this life. He wasn’t sorry. He’d choose Gibbs and Samas any day of the week, and he understood how important the fight against the goa’uld was—both for the onac homeworld and for Earth. However, he would miss Very Special Agent Tony DiNozzo. It was a life that was worthy of a moment of silence as it passed.”

Excellent story Gibbs has a alien in his head that no one knows about. Tony finds out when O'Neill steps into the picture. Then Gibbs get kidnapped by Baul and Tony has no intention of leaving his boss without someone covering his six. Taking a chance he leaps into the rings and is taken with Gibs and everything goes downhill. The story is fast moving with a great insight to Tony's character.  This is the start of a series that will take you to Atlantis  a place where Gibbs and Tony excel. There are 7 stories in the series so far and each story is good. I love the way that Tony’s character develops. When he talks about how Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo is just another undercover mask I wanted to cry. The quote above is from the end of the first story and sums up the story nicely.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Descendents Of The Lost by picabone99

Descendents of The Lost by picabone99

It's been a while since I read this story and it is still a great blending of LOTR and HP. Harry goes through the veil with Sirius and they are transformed into elves of a corresponding age. Which would be toddler and tween and a new adventure starts. They end up in Rivendell and the story explores what happens around and behind the movie. I wish the story had gone into more detail about the courtship between Harry and Glorfindel there are too many jumps. However the story is well written the action scenes are thrilling and you get a better look at lives of everyday elves.