Friday, February 27, 2015

Perdition's Flames (Sherlock/John)

Perdition’s Flame by i_ship_an_armada

Very good story that explores the idea of Khan really being Sherlock Holmes and John Watson is there as well. I have read several stories where Khan is really Sherlock and some are good most were bland but this one is very interesting. There are reasonable answers for the behavior of the two during the war and a good background quote to support the fact that Spock’s mother is a descendent of Mycroft Holmes.  Komack has no idea what he is getting into because unleashing the brilliant but mad mind of Khan Noonian Singh would be bad enough, but he got the genius, does not register the box when thinking, deductive mind of Sherlock Holmes. And no one but John Watson has ever controlled him and no one ever will.  Oh and then Komack does the unthinkable and holds John hostage and we know that never ends well. In this case it ends with a busted ship an unconscious crew and Komack beat to hell. All in all a good story with great action and the team up of Watson & Sherlock.


  1. Hi there! Thanks for the rec! Did you make the graphic? If so, may I have permission to post it to my Tumblr, credited to you, of course? Msg me on tumblr, if you have an account, or email me at
    THanks again!

  2. Hi there! Thanks for the rec! Did you make the graphic? If so, may I have permission to post it to my Tumblr, credited to you, of course? Msg me on tumblr, if you have an account, or email me at
    THanks again!
