Tuesday, May 6, 2014

DragonKin (Harry/Draco)

[The larger dragon seemed made for Aironth and is from the artist Telthona on deviantart. If you object to the picture being used please let me know: http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/354/4/f/golden_dragon_by_telthona-d4jpvyo.jpg]

{The smaller dragon I thought was perfect for Harry's form and is from this website even though I translated the page to english I am still not sure who did the picture or the original language now that I think about it: http://prospectro.ru/uploads/images/0/2/7/4/371/9d7ab09af5.jpg}

DragonKin by Fyreheart

Great story where an ancient race that had allied with the Potter family decided to check in on the current generation and was not happy with what they found. The story begins with Harry disappearing from the Dursley. When he comes back there are obvious changes the most import is that he is carrying around some extra personalities in his mind. Then things get even weirder with Draco deciding that Harry is his mate. There is no slash in this story even though they are mates. The final confrontation is wonderful and the reaction to Harry's adopted father is funny.

The following quote is directly from the author and explains why I am posting this on both sites:
"This story was not marked as slash and contained little physical contact as the relationship was about a straight Harry and a pansexual Draco who had to work through the years of animosity to build a gradual friendship and then a long-term partnership. Anything else would come later…do I hear a sequel in the making?"
I do hope that the author decides to do a sequel it should be interesting.

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